

When I was a child, my mother read me the Milly-Molly-Mandy stories, just as her mother had read them to her. One of the first things I did when I fell pregnant was to go out and find the collected stories so that I could read them to my children. They, just like my mother and I, love them. They're quintessentially English and terribly old-fashioned, but they're simple stories about the joyful things in childhood - putting on a show with your friends, learning to make paper chains, going for a walk through the autumn leaves. They remind me that childhood is a magical time, no matter where or when it is lived.

It must be very confusing for our readers as there are two of us posting daily and we never indicate who is who. Sam was speaking above, and when I (Bronwen) saw this post I thought I would just add a small detail of a Milly-Molly-Mandy shirt I did earlier this year for our friend Miss Rose. I also wanted to add that I have a Milly-Molly-Mandy vintage children's book in my stash and will include it as one of our book packs next time we are at I Heart Market.

1 comment:

  1. We love m-m-m too and can't help but giggle whenever her good friend Susan is mentioned, it seems to have just tickled us x
